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Monday, December 26, 2016

MN Futures Grant Program: OVPR is requesting applications.

MN Futures Grant Program: OVPR is requesting applications. LOIs are due on February 20th 2017. Full proposals are accepted starting on February 21. The program is designed to promote in-depth work to enable faculty members to respond collaboratively and boldly to emerging opportunities in interdisciplinary research and scholarship. This call seeks interdisciplinary research and scholarship proposals that originate from new interdisciplinary groups. Proposals may be for up to two years for a maximum of $250,000 each. It is anticipated that two grants will be awarded. For more details visit MN Futures grant awards.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Clinically focused NIH award opportunities

Clinically focused NIH award opportunities: Do you have a partnership with physicians, nurses, or other health professionals and are seeking funding? Visit the links below:
Receipt/Submission Date(s): Standard dates apply
For help with the application please contact sthil001@umn.edu.

NIH Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training

NIH Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training: Effective January 1st, 2017 all NIH-funded investigators and staff who are involved in the conduct, oversight or management of clinical trials should be trained in Good Clinical Practice (GCP). GCP training may be achieved through a class or course, academic training program, or certification from a recognized research professional organization.  The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program meets the NIH requirement.

Are you trying to decide whether to submit a NIH R01 vs. a R21 application?

Are you trying to decide whether to submit a NIH R01 vs. a R21 application? This information from NIH may help. Visit NIH Nexus R01 and R21
NIH summarizes the information as shown below:
  • The R21 mechanism is increasingly popular – we are seeing many more applications and awards, with growth rates exceeding those of R01 grants – but also highly competitive.
  • Most R21 applicants and awardees have previously received some NIH funding; only 34% of R21 awardees were new NIH investigators.
  • Over 15% of R21 awards are followed by at least one similar R01 application, but fewer than 5% of R21 awards are followed by at least one similar funded R01 project.

CTSI offers a "Write winning grant proposals" workshop

CTSI offers a "Write winning grant proposals" workshop: Tuesday January 10th, 2017 from 8:30am - 4:30 pm at MacNamara Alumni Center. For details including registration visit CTSI write-winning-grant-proposals

New video for NIH Basic Research Applicants and Reviewers

New video for NIH Basic Research Applicants and Reviewers: to help those who submit and review basic research grant applications to do their best. Videos and webinars can be viewed at: https://public.csr.nih.gov/Pages/csrwebinar.aspx

OVPR Matching Funds

 OVPR Matching Funds: provided for grant proposals to external sponsors on an ongoing basis. For details on eligibility visit http://www.research.umn.edu/advance/match_funds.html

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

U of M Foundation - Corporate and Foundation Relations team

U of M Foundation - Corporate and Foundation Relations team: Do you have an idea that does not fit traditional funding sources? The CFR team can assist with finding funds for your research. The team identifies funders and helps with proposal development at any point of the grant seeking process. They can identify prospective foundation supporters for your research program. Please see the attached Power Point for details and contact information. 
For questions or help please contact sthil001@umn.edu

W.M. Keck Foundation's Science and Engineering and Medical Research Grants

W.M. Keck Foundation's Science and Engineering and Medical Research Grants: supports high-risk/high-impact projects, the development of promising new technologies, and to facilitate the purchase of advanced instruments. Research projects should focus on basic research and not be clinical in nature.  Awards range from $550,000 to $2M. The UMN deadline is 12/12/2016. One application will be chosen to be sent to the sponsor for consideration for funding. For details visit: 

Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation

Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation: Two types of awards are available and two applicants are allowed per institution. The UMN internal deadline is 11/23/16.

The first award supports early stage investigators who are in the first to fourth year of a tenure-track position,engaged in basic biomedical research that has the potential to significantly advance the understanding, diagnosis or treatment of disease. Applicants should hold M.D. and/or Ph.D. degrees and have not received R01 funding. Awards are for $60,000 per year for a period of up to three years.  
The second award supports faculty members who hold M.D. and/or Ph.D. degrees, and are in their fifth to eighth year of a tenure-track position, with support to move the project forward to the point where other independent funding can be obtained.  Candidates may have an R01.  Awards are for $100,000 per year for a period of four years.

Hearst Foundation award

Hearst Foundation award: Addresses significant issues within their major areas of interests – culture, education, health and social service – and that primarily serve large demographic and/or geographic constituencies. The amount awarded is variable. To see past funding recipients and amounts visit:
The UMN has an internal deadline of 11/15/16 to review applications. One application will be chosen to be sent to the sponsor for consideration for funding. Please see the link below for details about this opportunity.  

NIH-NINDS Fellowship grants

NIH-NINDS Fellowship grants: The National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke has changed its approach to supporting post-doctoral fellows. As of December 8, 2016 receipt date, NINDS is no longer participating in the NIH-wide F32 funding mechanism. Instead, applications will only be accepted from candidates who have not yet joined the postdoc lab, or are within the first 12 months after starting in the lab. The inclusion of preliminary data in F32 applications is discouraged in order to encourage earlier submissions. Applicants will neither benefit nor be penalized if preliminary data are included. NIH-NINDS F32

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Statistics in the life sciences

Statistics in the life sciences: Several recent articles offer a quick overview of common pitfalls and more robust approaches for data analysis. For more information consider: 

NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH have new policies on application appendices and post-submission materials

NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH have new policies on application appendices and post-submission materials: Effective on January 25, 2017 a new appendix policy will be implemented to clarify the rules and to decrease the withdrawal of applications for noncompliance.
  • Not allowed: Accepted manuscripts and non-publicly available papers (or publications of any kind) will no longer be allowed in an appendix, but news of an article accepted for publication since submission of the application will be allowed as post-submission materials. 
  • Allowed items: Informed consent/assent forms and blank surveys, forms, and other data collection instruments (as appropriate). In addition, applications containing clinical trials may include the clinical trial protocol and Investigator’s Brochure from an IND application, as appropriate — unless alternate instructions are provided in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA).
  • Unless a FOA requires certain information to be included in the appendix, reviewers are not required to consider the material in their review.

Multi-Site Pilot & Feasibility Studies for System-Level Implementation of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services (R34)

Multi-Site Pilot & Feasibility Studies for System-Level Implementation of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services (R34):  NIDA and NIAAA will support the development and testing of interventions, models, and/or frameworks that examine system-level implementation of evidence-based interventions, guidelines, or principles to improve the delivery, uptake, quality, and sustainability of substance use prevention and treatment interventions and services.  For more details see(PAR-16-456).  

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality R21 (AHRQ)

 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality R21 (AHRQ):  Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve Health Care Quality through Health Information Technology (IT). This grant will fund exploratory and developmental research grants that will contribute to the evidence base of how health IT improves health care quality. For more details see PA-14-001 and a related announcement to extend the expiration date for applications to February 17, 2017, http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-HS-16-020.html

Thursday, September 1, 2016

How to get funding

How to get funding: the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) suggests these resources - 
UMN grant planning resources: http://www.research.umn.edu/forresearchers/resources.html
CoP grant planning resources: 
Grant editing services (internal and external) and statistical support from CTSI are available.
For assistance with your grant applications or questions please contact sthil001@umn.edu.

NLM Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine and Health (G13)

NLM Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine and Health (G13): The National Library of Medicine has funds for the preparation of book-length manuscripts and other works of academic and/or public health policy value to U.S. health professionals, public health officials, biomedical researchers and historians of the health sciences.  The next submission date is February 24, 2017.  Please see (PAR-16-417) for details. 

NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs)

NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs):  Applications are accepted from September 1 to November 15, 2017.  US citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply. Five categories are available. Qualified health professional must agree to engage in NIH mission-relevant research for at least 20 hours per week at a nonprofit institution. Visit  NIH Loan repayment program for more details.

Matching funds for grant applications

Matching funds for grant applications: The Office of the Vice President of Research (OVPR) provides matching funds of up to one third of the amount required on an ongoing basis. The external grant must have indirect costs and the sponsor must require matching funds as a condition for funding. For more information visit:http://www.research.umn.edu/advance/match_funds.html

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

Grant-In-Aid of Research, Artistry, and Scholarship Program awardsin fall 2016

Grant-In-Aid of Research, Artistry, and Scholarship Program awardsin fall 2016: Deadlines are September 19, 2016 for PI to send proposal to approvers and September 22 for approvers to send the application to OVPR. The categories of funding available are:
  1. Bridge funding
  2. Fields with limited external funding
  3. New assistant professors
  4. New research direction
  5. Shared equipment
  6. Special requests for established investigators' pilot projects (lowest priority for funding)

Monday, August 1, 2016

OVPR Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry & Scholarship Program

OVPR Grant-in-Aid of Research, Artistry & Scholarship Program:Five funding categories are available for grants of ~$28,000 for one year. Application are routed to approvers by: Monday, September 19, 2016.  Applications are routed to the OVPR by: Thursday, September 22, 2016.  Details are available at http://www.research.umn.edu/advance/gia.html

FDA Scientific Conference Grant Program

FDA Scientific Conference Grant Program: support for small conferences and scientific meetings clearly aligned with the FDA mission. Application due dates are in August, October, February and April annually until 2019. Funds from $25,000 to unlimited amounts are available for up to 5 years. Participating organizations are:
Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER)
Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER)
Center for Devices and Radiological Health (CDRH)
Center for Tobacco Products (CTP)
Center for Veterinary Medicine (CVM)
Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN)
National Center for Toxicological Research (NCTR)
Office of the Commissioner (OC)
Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA)  

Please see (PAR-16-378) for details

MN Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics RFP

 MN Partnership for Biotechnology and Medical Genomics RFP: awards in the $200,000 to $1,000,000 range to support joint projects between Mayo Clinic and UMN faculty. SPECIAL NOTE- The Minnesota State Legislature made an additional commitment of $500,000 toward the prevention, treatment, causes and cures of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias for FY17, and applications in this area are encouraged.  A letter of intent is due by 4:30 pm on Thursday, September 1, 2016. Invited proposals are due on September 30, 2016. The request for proposals is attached with details of the application process.

Friday, July 1, 2016

NIH establishes single IRB policy

NIH establishes single IRB policy: 

In an era of multi-site research the traditional approach of
having each site apply to its own institutional review board (IRB) is seen as counterproductive.
To support multi-site research and its promise of increased efficiency and knowledge
development, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) will now approve applications that are
approved by a single IRB. Any site will still be required to adhere to the ethical principles and
protections for subjects in any non-exempt research, but the single IRB will speed the process
by reducing the number of IRB requests to one. The new NIH policy will be in force for
competitive grants and contracts on or after May 25, 2017.

Details of the policy may be found at:


Sunday, May 1, 2016

Department of Defense grant award opportunity

 Department of Defense grant award opportunity: Inter-professional Team-based Learning in Early Stages of Learning, (INTEL). Funds research to determine, define, and validate learning strategies that foster inter-professional team-based learning during the early stages i.e. when teams are forming and groups are becoming familiar with each other and are starting to implement their roles and responsibilities of medical skills training. Please see the attachments for more details. Pre-proposal is due on May 11th 2016. Up to 1.2 million in total costs for 2 years. http://cdmrp.army.mil/funding/dmrdp.shtml

NIH Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (K24)

NIH Midcareer Investigator Award in Patient-Oriented Research (K24): Earliest open date for applications is May 12th 2016. This award provides support to mid-career health-professional doctorates or equivalent who are typically at the Associate Professor level or the equivalent for protected time to devote to patient-oriented research (POR) and to act as research mentors primarily for clinical residents, clinical fellows and/or junior clinical faculty. Award budgets are composed of salary and other program-related expenses for up to 5 years. For more information visit (PA-16-206)

NIH Academic Research Enhancement Award (Parent R15)

 NIH Academic Research Enhancement Award (Parent R15): Earliest open date for applications is May 25th 2016. CoP investigators are eligible to apply. The R15 supports small-scale research projects. The research project must involve undergraduate (preferably, if available) and/or graduate students.  $300,000 in direct costs for the entire project period of up to 3 years. For more information visit (PA-16-200)

NIH changes to biosketches effective after May 25th 2016

NIH changes to biosketches effective after May 25th 2016: please see the attached document for details of the new changes. 

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

The Minneapolis Foundation

The Minneapolis Foundation: is accepting LOIs from June 1st - July 11th 2016 at 4:30 pm CST. Project support of ~$50,000 is offered in the following general areas: 
  • Arts and culture
  • Economic vitality
  • Environment and conservation
  • Education
  • Community Health
  • Civic engagement
Do you currently work with a non-profit organization in Minnesota? Your group may be eligible to receive these grants. A discussion of your ideas with the foundation's Directors of Strategic Impact is recommended before applying for this funding. Details are at:


Please contact sthil001@umn.edu if you're interested in any of these opportunities and would like to discuss them further.

Monday, February 1, 2016

Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research

Training in the Responsible Conduct of Research: To become eligible as a principal investigator at the University of Minnesota, you must complete: 
  • Responsible Conduct of Research core curriculum
  • Instruction on specific topics (e.g., human subjects, animal subjects or hazardous materials), depending on the nature of your project