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Thursday, September 1, 2016

How to get funding

How to get funding: the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) suggests these resources - 
UMN grant planning resources: http://www.research.umn.edu/forresearchers/resources.html
CoP grant planning resources: 
Grant editing services (internal and external) and statistical support from CTSI are available.
For assistance with your grant applications or questions please contact sthil001@umn.edu.

NLM Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine and Health (G13)

NLM Grants for Scholarly Works in Biomedicine and Health (G13): The National Library of Medicine has funds for the preparation of book-length manuscripts and other works of academic and/or public health policy value to U.S. health professionals, public health officials, biomedical researchers and historians of the health sciences.  The next submission date is February 24, 2017.  Please see (PAR-16-417) for details. 

NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs)

NIH Loan Repayment Programs (LRPs):  Applications are accepted from September 1 to November 15, 2017.  US citizens and permanent residents are eligible to apply. Five categories are available. Qualified health professional must agree to engage in NIH mission-relevant research for at least 20 hours per week at a nonprofit institution. Visit  NIH Loan repayment program for more details.

Matching funds for grant applications

Matching funds for grant applications: The Office of the Vice President of Research (OVPR) provides matching funds of up to one third of the amount required on an ongoing basis. The external grant must have indirect costs and the sponsor must require matching funds as a condition for funding. For more information visit:http://www.research.umn.edu/advance/match_funds.html