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Saturday, October 1, 2016

Statistics in the life sciences

Statistics in the life sciences: Several recent articles offer a quick overview of common pitfalls and more robust approaches for data analysis. For more information consider: 

NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH have new policies on application appendices and post-submission materials

NIH/AHRQ/NIOSH have new policies on application appendices and post-submission materials: Effective on January 25, 2017 a new appendix policy will be implemented to clarify the rules and to decrease the withdrawal of applications for noncompliance.
  • Not allowed: Accepted manuscripts and non-publicly available papers (or publications of any kind) will no longer be allowed in an appendix, but news of an article accepted for publication since submission of the application will be allowed as post-submission materials. 
  • Allowed items: Informed consent/assent forms and blank surveys, forms, and other data collection instruments (as appropriate). In addition, applications containing clinical trials may include the clinical trial protocol and Investigator’s Brochure from an IND application, as appropriate — unless alternate instructions are provided in the funding opportunity announcement (FOA).
  • Unless a FOA requires certain information to be included in the appendix, reviewers are not required to consider the material in their review.

Multi-Site Pilot & Feasibility Studies for System-Level Implementation of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services (R34)

Multi-Site Pilot & Feasibility Studies for System-Level Implementation of Substance Use Prevention and Treatment Services (R34):  NIDA and NIAAA will support the development and testing of interventions, models, and/or frameworks that examine system-level implementation of evidence-based interventions, guidelines, or principles to improve the delivery, uptake, quality, and sustainability of substance use prevention and treatment interventions and services.  For more details see(PAR-16-456).  

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality R21 (AHRQ)

 Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality R21 (AHRQ):  Exploratory and Developmental Grant to Improve Health Care Quality through Health Information Technology (IT). This grant will fund exploratory and developmental research grants that will contribute to the evidence base of how health IT improves health care quality. For more details see PA-14-001 and a related announcement to extend the expiration date for applications to February 17, 2017, http://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/notice-files/NOT-HS-16-020.html