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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

U of M Foundation - Corporate and Foundation Relations team

U of M Foundation - Corporate and Foundation Relations team: Do you have an idea that does not fit traditional funding sources? The CFR team can assist with finding funds for your research. The team identifies funders and helps with proposal development at any point of the grant seeking process. They can identify prospective foundation supporters for your research program. Please see the attached Power Point for details and contact information. 
For questions or help please contact sthil001@umn.edu

W.M. Keck Foundation's Science and Engineering and Medical Research Grants

W.M. Keck Foundation's Science and Engineering and Medical Research Grants: supports high-risk/high-impact projects, the development of promising new technologies, and to facilitate the purchase of advanced instruments. Research projects should focus on basic research and not be clinical in nature.  Awards range from $550,000 to $2M. The UMN deadline is 12/12/2016. One application will be chosen to be sent to the sponsor for consideration for funding. For details visit: 

Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation

Edward Mallinckrodt, Jr. Foundation: Two types of awards are available and two applicants are allowed per institution. The UMN internal deadline is 11/23/16.

The first award supports early stage investigators who are in the first to fourth year of a tenure-track position,engaged in basic biomedical research that has the potential to significantly advance the understanding, diagnosis or treatment of disease. Applicants should hold M.D. and/or Ph.D. degrees and have not received R01 funding. Awards are for $60,000 per year for a period of up to three years.  
The second award supports faculty members who hold M.D. and/or Ph.D. degrees, and are in their fifth to eighth year of a tenure-track position, with support to move the project forward to the point where other independent funding can be obtained.  Candidates may have an R01.  Awards are for $100,000 per year for a period of four years.

Hearst Foundation award

Hearst Foundation award: Addresses significant issues within their major areas of interests – culture, education, health and social service – and that primarily serve large demographic and/or geographic constituencies. The amount awarded is variable. To see past funding recipients and amounts visit:
The UMN has an internal deadline of 11/15/16 to review applications. One application will be chosen to be sent to the sponsor for consideration for funding. Please see the link below for details about this opportunity.  

NIH-NINDS Fellowship grants

NIH-NINDS Fellowship grants: The National Institute on Neurological Disorders and Stroke has changed its approach to supporting post-doctoral fellows. As of December 8, 2016 receipt date, NINDS is no longer participating in the NIH-wide F32 funding mechanism. Instead, applications will only be accepted from candidates who have not yet joined the postdoc lab, or are within the first 12 months after starting in the lab. The inclusion of preliminary data in F32 applications is discouraged in order to encourage earlier submissions. Applicants will neither benefit nor be penalized if preliminary data are included. NIH-NINDS F32