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Monday, December 26, 2016

MN Futures Grant Program: OVPR is requesting applications.

MN Futures Grant Program: OVPR is requesting applications. LOIs are due on February 20th 2017. Full proposals are accepted starting on February 21. The program is designed to promote in-depth work to enable faculty members to respond collaboratively and boldly to emerging opportunities in interdisciplinary research and scholarship. This call seeks interdisciplinary research and scholarship proposals that originate from new interdisciplinary groups. Proposals may be for up to two years for a maximum of $250,000 each. It is anticipated that two grants will be awarded. For more details visit MN Futures grant awards.

Thursday, December 1, 2016

Clinically focused NIH award opportunities

Clinically focused NIH award opportunities: Do you have a partnership with physicians, nurses, or other health professionals and are seeking funding? Visit the links below:
Receipt/Submission Date(s): Standard dates apply
For help with the application please contact sthil001@umn.edu.

NIH Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training

NIH Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training: Effective January 1st, 2017 all NIH-funded investigators and staff who are involved in the conduct, oversight or management of clinical trials should be trained in Good Clinical Practice (GCP). GCP training may be achieved through a class or course, academic training program, or certification from a recognized research professional organization.  The Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program meets the NIH requirement.

Are you trying to decide whether to submit a NIH R01 vs. a R21 application?

Are you trying to decide whether to submit a NIH R01 vs. a R21 application? This information from NIH may help. Visit NIH Nexus R01 and R21
NIH summarizes the information as shown below:
  • The R21 mechanism is increasingly popular – we are seeing many more applications and awards, with growth rates exceeding those of R01 grants – but also highly competitive.
  • Most R21 applicants and awardees have previously received some NIH funding; only 34% of R21 awardees were new NIH investigators.
  • Over 15% of R21 awards are followed by at least one similar R01 application, but fewer than 5% of R21 awards are followed by at least one similar funded R01 project.

CTSI offers a "Write winning grant proposals" workshop

CTSI offers a "Write winning grant proposals" workshop: Tuesday January 10th, 2017 from 8:30am - 4:30 pm at MacNamara Alumni Center. For details including registration visit CTSI write-winning-grant-proposals

New video for NIH Basic Research Applicants and Reviewers

New video for NIH Basic Research Applicants and Reviewers: to help those who submit and review basic research grant applications to do their best. Videos and webinars can be viewed at: https://public.csr.nih.gov/Pages/csrwebinar.aspx

OVPR Matching Funds

 OVPR Matching Funds: provided for grant proposals to external sponsors on an ongoing basis. For details on eligibility visit http://www.research.umn.edu/advance/match_funds.html