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Wednesday, November 15, 2017


1.    NIH Teams With ORCID to Reduce Researcher Burden and Improve Transparency: ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor Identification). is a not-for profit organization that assigns unique persistent identifiers to researchers that supports automated linkages between researchers and their professional activities. The goal is to help people find information and to simplify reporting and analysis. Over 7000 journals use ORCID as part of their workflow, and – with the user’s permission – can automatically populate ORCID user accounts with citations when they publish.

NIH applicants can already link SciENcv (Science Expert Network Curriculum Vitae) with their ORCID account to simplify the creation of a biosketch.  eRA Commons is establishing a real-time link with ORCID, which allows users to associate ORCID with their eRA account. For more information visit https://nexus.od.nih.gov/all/2017/11/15/teaming-with-orcid-to-reduce-burden-and-improve-transparency/

2.    Cures Within Reach: A new $50,000-$250,000 Request for Proposals (RFP) is posted on CureAccelerator™, seeking drug, device and nutraceutical repurposing and repositioning projects in adult, adolescent and pediatric mental health conditions.  Projects submitted to this RFP may be immediately funded by one or more current CureAccelerator funders, and will also be used to encourage a large group of international funders of mental health research to focus their attention on repurposing opportunities at their February meeting in Europe. Letters of Intent should be posted on CureAccelerator by Dec. 22, 2017.  To view the RFP online and start a Letter of Intent Proposal, browse as a Guest or Log In to CureAccelerator.  There is no cost to register on CureAccelerator or to submit an LOI.  There are no limits to the number of LOIs you can submit. For additional questions contact Dr. Bruce E. Bloom, CEO, Cures Within Reach

3.    Upcoming Events Sponsored by the Office of Research, Graduate Education, and Faculty Affairs:

A. Online Databases Workshop to explore the landscape of biomedical information on December 6th from 1-2PM. This event will be held in 7-193 WDH on the Twin Cities campus and via ITV in 302 HH on the Duluth campus. Topics include:
a.    The scale of biomedical literature and how to select resources for literature, data, and grants
b.    Problems with the organization of biomedical literature
c.     Strategies for being evidence-based as a researcher

B. Publishing Workshop with Guest Speaker Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, PhD, Professor, Division of Clinical Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Minnesota.  The event will be on Monday, December 18th; 1:30-3:30pm in 1-451 Moos and 160 LSci (Duluth via ITV).  Dr. Semrud-Clikeman will give tips on the best practices for publishing.  A panel discussion will include experienced CoP faculty who will give their tips on sustainable practices in publishing and funding: how to select journals for publications and grant opportunities to target for a sustainable portfolio of scholarship and research productivity. The session will be recorded for those researchers who cannot attend.  A link to the recording will be provided closer to the event.

C. RISE Discussion Series: This forum will give junior faculty and mid-career faculty who have recently switched research directions an opportunity to discuss a research idea in progress with peers and experts on the topic in an environment of interactive discussion and feedback.  One of the goals of this program is to mentor junior faculty and increase their awareness of the ongoing research in the College of Pharmacy.  The program starts in December 2017 and will be held once monthly until May 2018. One investigator will be the focus of each session and will give an informal presentation flowed by Q&A to develop the topic. Each session will be ~1 ½ hours. The location and times are TBD.  Please watch your email inbox for more details and contact eggen004@umn.edu with questions.

Monday, October 16, 2017



1.    Seed grants: Partnership between UMN AHC Center for Global Health and Social Responsibility (CGHSR) and Guangxi CDC in Nanning, China: $25,000 for one year for research.  Deadline: Proposals Due January 26, 2018 to globalhc@umn.edu.  Request for proposals for new research projects based in Guangxi, China, where the Academic Health Center (AHC) maintains a partnership to advance new research and educational opportunities.  Eligibility: Grants are available to teams of two co-Principal Investigators (co-PIs) between the organizations. UMN faculty should contact Eric Chu (chuxx168@umn.edu) to connect with a Guangxi co-PI.  Support for UMN student(s) involved in the research project may be included.  For details visit Seed Grants

2.    National Institute’s of Health AHRQ R18 Research Project Grants, Advancing Patient Safety Implementation through Safe Medication Use Research: $500,000 in any given year or $1.5 million for the entire project period, up to 3 years.  Deadline: Standard dates apply.  This FOA will fund investigative research demonstration projects that examine the effective implementation of processes, policies, and behaviors that support safe use of medication as well as its sustainment and dissemination. Visit NIH AHRQ R18

3.    University of Minnesota Healthy Foods, Healthy Lives (HFHL) Institute: $50,000 for one year, with the potential for renewal for one year, one time.  Eligibility: regular faculty and academic staff.  Deadline: December 1, 2017 (5:00pm). Grant applications should be emailed (PDF files) to hfhl@umn.edu. Requests applications for grants to fund innovative community-university partnerships related to food, nutrition and health.  Projects should include participatory action research, or other creative strategies for addressing community-identified problems by bringing together academic and community partners.  A faculty Planning Grant Program for $10,000 is also available to supports the development of University interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research teams related to food, nutrition, and health.  For details visit HFHL grants

4.    The Imagine Fund – Annual Special Events Grant Program: maximum of $100,00 for one year.  Deadline: Special Event (Round 1) - November 20 at 11:59 p.m.  Special Event (Round 2) - Applications open Monday, January 22 at 9:00 a.m. – close on Monday, March 19 at 11:59 p.m.  Eligibility: tenured or tenure-track faculty in the University of Minnesota.  The program seeks to support new and ongoing activities at the University of Minnesota that promote profound understanding of the human condition, excellence, innovation, collaboration, interdisciplinary dialogue, and greater public engagement with the University. For details visit Imagine Fund

5.    University of Minnesota President’s Community-Engaged Scholar Award: $15,000 one-time award exemplary engaged scholarship in his/her field of inquiry.  Self-nomination is not allowed.  Nomination Deadline: January 26, 2018. Eligibility: Faculty or P&A with 66 2/3 % time or greater appointment and have been at the University of Minnesota for at least five years, including the current year. For details on selection criteria visit Community Engaged Scholar

Tuesday, September 5, 2017



A. Updates on NIH Funded Research Involving Human Subjects:
1.    New PHS Human Subject and Clinical Trial Information form: For application due dates of January 25, 2018, and beyond, use an updated application forms package (FORMS-E).
·      Includes the new human subject and clinical trial form. Contract proposals will also require this information. Learn about the new form here.

2.    Use of a single IRB: for non-exempt, multi-site clinical trials for application due dates on/after January 25, 2018.

3.    Requirement to apply to an FOA: the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) specifically allows for the submission of clinical trial applications for due dates beginning January 25, 2018.

4.    Effective January 2017: Good Clinical Practice training expectations for NIH staff, grantees, and contractors are required.
A new Clinical Trial Requirements for NIH Grantees and Contractors web page brings together all the information that you need to know. 

B. New Grant Opportunities: Healthy Foods, Healthy Lives Institute (HFHL)
·      Community-University Partnership Grant Program: $50,000 to fund innovative community-university partnerships related to food, nutrition, and health.
·      Faculty Planning Grant Program: $10,000 to support the development of University interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research teams related to food, nutrition, and health.
Submission deadline are on November 10, 2017.  For more information on both programs visit https://www.hfhl.umn.edu/grant-programs/fall-2017-rfps

C. International Travel Grants funded by UMN GPS Alliance: support the internationalization of the University on all campuses through research, teaching, and outreach. The application system is online with a deadline of December 15, 2017.  Average award is $1,500 with a maximum of $2,000.  Applicants must be University of Minnesota faculty or P&A staff. For more details visit http://global.umn.edu/funding/travelgrant/index.html

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

June 2017 Tipping Points


1. Grant Writing Services Offered by the Research Office: The Research Office offers grant support to help investigators to submit their external and internal grant applications. Resources include assistance with biosketches, facilities and resources, authentication plans, letters of support, formatting of proposals, and all non-scientific parts of the application. Also we offer support for review of the scientific parts of the application, and any other miscellaneous grant support needed. Please contact sthil001@umn.edu for more details.

2. Federal RePORTER: Supports searching over 800,000 projects across 17 Federal research agencies, with trans-agency data updated annually. You can quickly drill down to projects funded by a certain agency or projects occurring in a particular state. Find collaborators, get to know the research interests of federal science-funding agencies, understand your institution’s sources of support, and prepare your applications and research plan equipped with additional knowledge. Please visit Federal RePORTER to explore this tool.

3. New Tutorials on Preparing and Submitting Your NIH Grant Application: Would you like a step-by-step guide on how to apply for a NIH grant? On NIH's How to Apply page, you will find four new interactive tutorials on the basics of preparing, writing, and submitting your application. Tutorials take between 4 to 11 minutes each to listen through, and you can easily jump ahead to chapters of interest, or navigate back to review something you’ve missed. These tutorials link to additional resources and transcripts.

4. New IRB Training Requirement: Effective July 1, 2017, all biomedical researchers and research staff involved in the conduct of human research must complete Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training regardless of the level of risk or funding source. Refer to the training page of the IRB website for more information about this new requirement.

Until next month, be well!

Thursday, May 4, 2017


1. Pew Charitable Trusts Grant Opportunity:

$240,000 over a four-year period.  This opportunity limits the U of MN to one nomination.  The deadline for preliminary proposals is 6/12. The Sponsor's final deadline is 10/23. Details can be found at http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/projects/pew-biomedical-scholars/program-details.  

To decrease the time between the internal deadline and the notification of nominees, UMN OVPR asks that you please "Register Interest/Share Your Ideas" on the OVPR website - Even just by entering your name and department. Or, email collabor@umn.edu and let them know you plan on submitting a proposal. Please see the "Extramural Coordinated Funding" website for information and guidelines: http://apps.research.umn.edu/c/extramural/external_coordinated_funding.cfm#.VdM62_lvmVM (Internal guidelines are found under "OVPR" in the "Internal Reqs" column.)

2.  AHRQ grant opportunities for cliniciansTwo new awards are available:

- "Developing New Clinical Decision Support (CDS) to Disseminate and Implement Evidence Based Research Findings" R18.   The purposes of this FOA are to develop new, reliable, valid, and usable CDS from evidence-based research findings and then demonstrate its effectiveness to improve care in clinical practice.  Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-17-261.html

- "Scaling Established Clinical Decision Support (CDS) to Facilitate the Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence Based Research Findings" R18.  The purposes of this FOA are to extend the implementation ("scale") and evaluation of well-established and effective CDS beyond the initial clinical setting or institution in which the CDS was originally developed and implemented, thereby extending the impact on clinical practice.  Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/guide/pa-files/PA-17-260.html

3.  New forms coming for NIH applications!

NIH will change from the current Forms-D to new Forms-E and instructions for NIH applications for due dates on or after January 25th, 2018.  The changes will:
- Consolidate human subjects, inclusion enrollment, and clinical trial information previously collected across multiple agency forms

- Expand and use discrete form fields for clinical trial information to enhance peer review, data collection, and align with ClinicalTrials.gov

- Incorporate recent Grants.gov changes to R&R Budget and SBIR/STTR Information forms

Application guides for FORMS-E application packages will be posted to the How to Apply - Application Guide page no later than October 25, 2017.  For more information please see  NOT-OD-17-062

Thursday, March 2, 2017

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - Grand Challenges Exploration

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation - Grand Challenges Exploration: supports early-stage discovery research to expand the pipeline of ideas for solving our greatest global health and development challenges.  Initial grants will be for $100,000 for 18 months (Phase I). Promising projects can receive up to $1 million in additional funding (Phase II). The deadline is May 3rd 2017. Details about the awards are at http://grandchallenges.org/grant-opportunities

Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Grand Challenges Research Scholar Collaborative: The second phase of the Provost's Grand Challenges

Grand Challenges Research Scholar Collaborative: The second phase of the Provost's Grand Challenges Research Initiative will include both a competitive call for proposals from interdisciplinary teams (pre-proposals due March 20) and opportunities for extended interdisciplinary engagement through participation in a collaborative of Grand Challenges Research Scholars (nominations due March 1). Awards will focus on two spotlighted Grand Challenges areas: 1) Assuring Clean Water and Sustainable Ecosystems and 2) Fostering Just and Equitable Communities-or an integration of the two. Please review the detailed guidelines for the Phase 2 Grand Challenges Research Initiatives and consider collaborating with colleagues across disciplines. 

MN Futures Grant Program

MN Futures Grant Program: OVPR is requesting applications. LOIs are due on February 20th 2017. Full proposals are accepted starting on February 21. The program is designed to promote in-depth work to enable faculty members to respond collaboratively and boldly to emerging opportunities in interdisciplinary research and scholarship. This call seeks interdisciplinary research and scholarship proposals that originate from new interdisciplinary groups. Proposals may be for up to two years for a maximum of $250,000 each. It is anticipated that two grants will be awarded. For more details visit MN Futures grant awards.

NIH's Loan Repayment Program (LRP):

NIH's Loan Repayment Program (LRP): a new network - The Ambassador Program - connects potential LRP applicants with former and current LRP awardees.  LRP ambassadors serve as a personalized link/connection between the programs and potential applicants at their home institutions, providing advice and encouragement regarding the LRP application process.  For more information visit https://www.lrp.nih.gov/ambassador-program

Maximizing Investigators' Research Award for Early Stage Investigators (ESI) (R35)

Maximizing Investigators' Research Award for Early Stage Investigators (ESI) (R35): An ESI is that person within 10 years of receipt of a terminal degree.  

The NIH National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIGMS) has several divisions including Pharmacology, Physiology, and Biological Chemistry. This award will support the research program of investigators who are aligned with the NIGMS mission https://www.nigms.nih.gov/about/overview/pages/default.aspx

The purpose of this award is to increase flexibility for investigators to follow important new research directions as opportunities arise, rather than being bound to specific aims proposed in advance of the studies. It will also reduce the time spent by researchers writing and reviewing grant applications, allowing them to spend more time conducting research.  For more information visit (PAR-17-190).  Application Receipt/Submission Date(s): October 3, 2017; October 3, 2018; October 3, 2019, by 5:00

Grand Challenges Research Scholar Collaborative

Grand Challenges Research Scholar Collaborative: The second phase of the Provost's Grand Challenges Research Initiative will include both a competitive call for proposals from interdisciplinary teams (pre-proposals due March 20) and opportunities for extended interdisciplinary engagement through participation in a collaborative of Grand Challenges Research Scholars (nominations due March 1). Awards will focus on two spotlighted Grand Challenges areas: 1) Assuring Clean Water and Sustainable Ecosystems and 2) Fostering Just and Equitable Communities-or an integration of the two. Please review the detailed guidelines for the Phase 2 Grand Challenges Research Initiatives and consider collaborating with colleagues across disciplines. 

Monday, January 2, 2017


ALERT: The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has determined that Powdered Surgeon’s Gloves, Powdered Patient Examination Gloves, and Absorbable Powder for Lubricating a Surgeon’s Glove present an unreasonable and substantial risk of
illness or injury. The FDA has banned these devices effective on January
18, 2017. Ban on powdered gloves

Sunday, January 1, 2017

Changes to NIH clinical trial applications in 2017

Changes to NIH clinical trial applications in 2017 - The new policy is targeted to apply to applications submitted for due dates on or after September 27, 2017. All clinical trial applications will need to contain key clinical trial-specific elements, such as protocol information. This change will mean that you will no longer be able to submit an application requesting support for a clinical trial on one of NIH's parent announcements. You will need to identify an FOA that clearly invites clinical trial applications. Please see the links below for additional information: 

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Grant Opportunity

Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation Grant Opportunity - $675,000 total funds distributed over 3 years. The foundation seeks to identify outstanding inventors and innovators who harness science and technology to enhance the conduct of scientific research, strengthen environmental conservation, or improve the experience and outcomes of patient care.This opportunity limits the U of MN to two nominations. 
Moore Inventor Fellows (Click here for preliminary proposal instructions)

The internal deadline for preliminary proposals is 1/12. Sponsor's final deadline is 3/1. Instructions for the UMN internal deadline are below:

The link to the foundation's guidelines:

Please contact sthil001@umn.edu for assistance with this application.

Save the Date! - January 11th 2017

Save the Date! - January 11th 2017 - Faculty Research Development series, 9:00am to 1:00pm​ on January 11th, 2017 concurrently on the Twin Cities (5-125 MoosT) and Duluth (160 LSci) campuses. Lunch is included. The first session in a series of focus groups geared towards but not limited to clinical faculty in the College of Pharmacy. The goal is to to advance your research ideas with feedback from colleagues with similar interests. Required prior registration information: 
Your research question including successes and challenges that you have identified in answering this question. 
If your research question is not fully developed yet, instead provide a short summary of your research interests including challenges in pursuing this topic. 
  • A minimum of 3 questions about ways to achieve your research goals. 
  • What you hope to gain from attending the session. 
  • Up to 3 pdf files of your most recent published work or relevant scholarship. 
  • A laptop, tablet, or other portable device that can be used in working groups during the session. 
Watch for a separate announcement about this event in your email inbox to follow. Please contact sthil001@umn.edu if you wish to attend.