1. Pew Charitable Trusts Grant Opportunity:
$240,000 over a four-year period. This opportunity limits the U of MN to one nomination. The deadline for preliminary proposals is 6/12. The Sponsor's final deadline is 10/23. Details can be found at http://www.pewtrusts.org/en/prTo decrease the time between the internal deadline and the notification of nominees, UMN OVPR asks that you please "Register Interest/Share Your Ideas" on the OVPR website - Even just by entering your name and department. Or, email collabor@umn.edu and let them know you plan on submitting a proposal. Please see the "Extramural Coordinated Funding" website for information and guidelines: http://apps.research.umn.edu/c
2. AHRQ grant opportunities for clinicians: Two new awards are available:
- "Developing New Clinical Decision Support (CDS) to Disseminate and Implement Evidence Based Research Findings" R18. The purposes of this FOA are to develop new, reliable, valid, and usable CDS from evidence-based research findings and then demonstrate its effectiveness to improve care in clinical practice. Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/- "Scaling Established Clinical Decision Support (CDS) to Facilitate the Dissemination and Implementation of Evidence Based Research Findings" R18. The purposes of this FOA are to extend the implementation ("scale") and evaluation of well-established and effective CDS beyond the initial clinical setting or institution in which the CDS was originally developed and implemented, thereby extending the impact on clinical practice. Visit https://grants.nih.gov/grants/
3. New forms coming for NIH applications!
NIH will change from the current Forms-D to new Forms-E and instructions for NIH applications for due dates on or after January 25th, 2018. The changes will:- Consolidate human subjects, inclusion enrollment, and clinical trial information previously collected across multiple agency forms
- Expand and use discrete form fields for clinical trial information to enhance peer review, data collection, and align with ClinicalTrials.gov
- Incorporate recent Grants.gov changes to R&R Budget and SBIR/STTR Information forms
Application guides for FORMS-E application packages will be posted to the How to Apply - Application Guide page no later than October 25, 2017. For more information please see NOT-OD-17-062