1. Grant Writing Services Offered by the Research Office: The Research Office offers grant support to help investigators to submit their external and internal grant applications. Resources include assistance with biosketches, facilities and resources, authentication plans, letters of support, formatting of proposals, and all non-scientific parts of the application.
Also we offer support for review of the scientific parts of the
application, and any other miscellaneous grant support needed. Please
contact sthil001@umn.edu for more details.
2. Federal RePORTER: Supports
searching over 800,000 projects across 17 Federal research agencies,
with trans-agency data updated annually. You can quickly drill down to
projects funded by a certain agency or projects occurring in a
particular state. Find collaborators, get to know the research interests
of federal
science-funding agencies, understand your institution’s sources of
support, and prepare your applications and research plan equipped with
additional knowledge. Please visit Federal RePORTER to explore this tool.
3. New Tutorials on Preparing and Submitting Your NIH Grant Application: Would you like a step-by-step guide on how to apply for a NIH grant? On NIH's How to Apply page, you will find four new interactive tutorials
on the basics of preparing, writing, and submitting your application.
Tutorials take between 4 to 11 minutes each to listen through, and you
can easily jump ahead to chapters of interest, or navigate back to
review something you’ve missed. These tutorials link to additional
resources and transcripts.
4. New IRB Training Requirement: Effective July 1, 2017,
all biomedical researchers and research staff involved in the conduct
of human research must complete Good Clinical Practice (GCP) training
regardless of the level of risk or funding source. Refer to the training page of the IRB website for more information about this new requirement.
Until next month, be well!