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Tuesday, September 5, 2017



A. Updates on NIH Funded Research Involving Human Subjects:
1.    New PHS Human Subject and Clinical Trial Information form: For application due dates of January 25, 2018, and beyond, use an updated application forms package (FORMS-E).
·      Includes the new human subject and clinical trial form. Contract proposals will also require this information. Learn about the new form here.

2.    Use of a single IRB: for non-exempt, multi-site clinical trials for application due dates on/after January 25, 2018.

3.    Requirement to apply to an FOA: the funding opportunity announcement (FOA) specifically allows for the submission of clinical trial applications for due dates beginning January 25, 2018.

4.    Effective January 2017: Good Clinical Practice training expectations for NIH staff, grantees, and contractors are required.
A new Clinical Trial Requirements for NIH Grantees and Contractors web page brings together all the information that you need to know. 

B. New Grant Opportunities: Healthy Foods, Healthy Lives Institute (HFHL)
·      Community-University Partnership Grant Program: $50,000 to fund innovative community-university partnerships related to food, nutrition, and health.
·      Faculty Planning Grant Program: $10,000 to support the development of University interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary research teams related to food, nutrition, and health.
Submission deadline are on November 10, 2017.  For more information on both programs visit https://www.hfhl.umn.edu/grant-programs/fall-2017-rfps

C. International Travel Grants funded by UMN GPS Alliance: support the internationalization of the University on all campuses through research, teaching, and outreach. The application system is online with a deadline of December 15, 2017.  Average award is $1,500 with a maximum of $2,000.  Applicants must be University of Minnesota faculty or P&A staff. For more details visit http://global.umn.edu/funding/travelgrant/index.html